Has Anyone Noticed A Decrease In Sweating After Laser Hair Removal!
I feel like I’m sweating less after having laser hair removal. I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
I did an internet search: “Does laser hair removal affect sweat glands?” Quote: Laser Hair Removal does not destroy the sweat glands or lymph nodes. The apocrine glands in the armpit, and other pubic areas, are closely associated with the hair follicles and are, for some clients, partially disabled by the laser treatment. As a result there may be slightly less sweating.
Does Anyone Else Sweat Between The Legs And How Do You Treat It?
Does Anybody Sweat Profusely From Their Head? Is There Any Treatment To Decrease The Sweating? It’s So Bad, My Hair Gets Soaked!
Advice Re Severe Head And Face Sweating.