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There are now more treatments for hyperhidrosis than ever before. Hyperhidrosis treatments includ...

Hyperhidrosis Treatments

There are now more treatments for hyperhidrosis than ever before. Hyperhidrosis treatments includ...
Scalp sweating – also known as cranial hyperhidrosis - can be more obvious than other types of ...

Scalp Sweating and Hyperhidrosis

Scalp sweating – also known as cranial hyperhidrosis - can be more obvious than other types of ...
Many people with hyperhidrosis (HH) live in their own personal weather climate and definitely out...

Member Spotlight: Life Hacks That Keep Me Cool and Dry

Many people with hyperhidrosis (HH) live in their own personal weather climate and definitely out...
Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that causes excessive sweating. Everyone sweats – sweating i...

Hyperhidrosis – An Overview

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that causes excessive sweating. Everyone sweats – sweating i...
Living with hyperhidrosis can be lonely, giving depression a stronghold. Depression can be debili...

Depression and Hyperhidrosis

Living with hyperhidrosis can be lonely, giving depression a stronghold. Depression can be debili...
The excessive sweating of hyperhidrosis can be even worse in hot weather. Sweat is usually most v...

Keeping Cool with Hyperhidrosis

The excessive sweating of hyperhidrosis can be even worse in hot weather. Sweat is usually most v...
Hyperhidrosis can make navigating the workplace challenging. If you’ve ever worried about the tem...

Working and Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis can make navigating the workplace challenging. If you’ve ever worried about the tem...
"No part of my body sweats but my face and head. It is so embarrassing. No one else is sweating b...

Embarrassment and Hyperhidrosis

"No part of my body sweats but my face and head. It is so embarrassing. No one else is sweating b...
By Amy Norton, HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, Dec. 7, 2016 (HealthDay News) -- People with hyperhi...

Excess Sweating Can Be a Drenching, Wrenching Burden

By Amy Norton, HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, Dec. 7, 2016 (HealthDay News) -- People with hyperhi...
Welcome to MyHyperhidrosisTeam — the place to connect with others living with hyperhidrosis. Thi...

Getting Started on MyHyperhidrosisTeam (VIDEO)

Welcome to MyHyperhidrosisTeam — the place to connect with others living with hyperhidrosis. Thi...