People with hyperhidrosis often say that it affects their day-to-day life. Their excessive sweating means that they have to prepare for their days with this in mind, from making sure to bring extra clothing, to dressing differently, to not wearing makeup. Some say that hyperhidrosis changes where they want to go or the activities that they do.
On MyHyperhidrosisTeam, the social network and online support group for those living with hyperhidrosis, members talk about a range of personal experiences and struggles. The challenges of living with hyperhidrosis on a daily basis are one of the top 10 topics most discussed.
Here are a few threads about the impact of living with hyperhidrosis on a daily basis:
• Here’s how I catch the sweat as I go about my daily chores…
• Putting makeup on is a challenge!
• I have always wished I could do crafts but it is not possible as everything gets wet.
• Desk fans and stopping sweaty hands.
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