Looking For A Make-up Brand That Will Stay On My Face!
So I may have already posted a similar question just a minute ago! If so I apologize! I’m an Internet idiot! I’m looking for recommendations on makeup that will not run or disappear once applied. Specifically eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadow. I have wasted so much money on items that are useless to me! I have tried every trick in the book, short of tattooing my eyeliner on and It doesn’t matter if it says you have to take the product off with a chisel and hammer...it still does not stay on my… read more
I have the same problem .the only thing that helps for a
few hours , unless reapplied, is a make up fixing spray. It's also refreshing and cooling.
Try a Powder (brush on) Foundation. Bare Minerals is one I am most familiar with. Goes on light, good coverage & touch
up easy as a few quick brush strokes!!
EJayne...I have not heard of a make-up fixing spray! Thank you! Thank you! I will search it out to try!
I Would
LOVE To Have My Eyebrows, Eyeliner & Lips Tattoed!! Did It Hurt??? About to be nosy— how expensive,generally, was it!! (are you in US or UK?)
Did you use an estician/beauty shop or Tattoo Parlor?
Hi ladies, I am a fellow sufferer with hyperhydrosis. I have discovered a brand that is really good and stays on!!
I am actually a presenter for Younique.
We have spray foundation, although you will stil sweat, just dab it and it DOESNT come off!
We have a setting powder and a setting spray, where you can apply that to the brush before applying foundation - that helps it stick.
We do eye liners that havent sweat off of me, and we have an amazing mascara in waterproof. They are all really good products, because discovering Younique - I would never wear foundation it would just drip away.
But they have liquid, stick, powder and spray foundation. Used appropriately and with the setting powder or spray. You can where it all!
I’ll leave my email and website address:
(Email address can only be seen by the question and answer creators) www.youniqueproducts.com/lauragipp
I hope this helps xx
Does Anybody Sweat Profusely From Their Head? Is There Any Treatment To Decrease The Sweating? It’s So Bad, My Hair Gets Soaked!
My Sweating Always Comes With Overheating. Especially My Head/face. But Still No Diagnosis Any Ideas Anyone?